Thursday, November 27, 2014


One of the main ways food can cause headaches is when your body experiences low blood sugar levels, becomes dehydrated or you diet has a sodium content that is too high.  There are foods which you can consume that will help to bring your off-balance levels back into balance and therefore eliminate headaches cause by the imbalance.  

sliced white potatoesBoth of these foods are rich in potassium which will help when your body is suffering from a headache due to dehydration and high sodium levels.   Most fruits contain a lot of water and melons as well as potatoes have a high content of potassium. Cantaloupes also have about about 16 percent of the daily recommended requirement for magnesium.  In those individuals who are not diabetic can benefit from the magnesium in cantaloupes as it will help to regular high sugar levels and bring the body back into balance.  This will correct the headache it caused.  Because potatoes re full of potassium they will help with any problems caused by dehydration.  If potatoes are not on your diet parameters you can try eating bananas which are nearly as good for dehydration as the potato.

fresh spinach in a bunchBlood vessels are known to cause headaches.   These headaches can be relieved with the intake of foods that are rich in magnesium like the cantaloupes.  Navy beans, along with bananas, spinach, apricots, avocados and almonds, all have high levels of magnesium.  The magnesium will help to stop any muscle spasms which cause the blood vessels to constrict and cause headaches.

Milk bottle and glass Dehydration is one of the biggest causes of headaches so drinking low-fat milk will help to keep the body hydrated.  Alcohol and foods that are high in sodium will cause dehydration.  Keeping hydrated will keep headaches at bay.  Lo-fat milk is an excellent source of calcium as well as potassium that will correct the bad effects of a diet with a high sodium content.  Research has proven that not enough milk in the diet can bring on migraines.  Blood pressure is also improved with the consumption of the daily 3 servings of dairy.  This reduces the risk of obesity as well as diabetes.  If you have an intolerance to cow's milk you can drink  any milk that is produced for lactose intolerance. 

salmon - fatty fishThe occurrence of headaches may be reduced by consuming foods that are rich in vitamins B, B6, B12 and folic acid.  Fatty fish like tuna and salmon are high in vitamins especially vitamin B12.  Even a small piece of smoked salmon added to your meal can make both your head and your stomach better.  The anti-inflammatory properties of the omega-3 fatty-acid found in fatty fish, especially salmon, can also significantly help decrease or eliminate headache pain.     

Beets or beetroot
cherriesActually any kind of fruit is high in water content so if the headache is due to dehydration these foods will help correct this condition.  Cherries especially have compounds that convert to nitric oxide in the blood which is known to prevent headaches.  Beets or some say beetroot, also have the same qualities.   

glass of waterWater is a beverage but just as important for the health and well being of your body as the best foods.  Dehydration can cause several and very serious conditions that are life-threatening and painful, like headaches or migraines.  Dehydration can cause your blood pressure to drop dangerously low plus other problems.  Keeping yourself hydrated is extremely important. Being that dehydration is one of the biggest causes of headache pain drinking enough water every day is so important.

Eating sensibly is another way to prevent the onset of a headache.  If you are diabetic or have a sensitivity to blood sugar spikes then eating small meals on a regular basis can be extremely helpful.  These meals need to consist of healthy food choices.  Eating junk food does nothing to help  your body beside making it fatter.  East every 3 to 4 hours to keep your metabolism even.  Small portions will help in the digestion of the foods you eat and will help  your body function better.  Headaches are often indicators that there is an imbalance of some sort in your body.  Keep your body in balance with lots of fresh water and healthy foods to prevent headaches.

More on Headaches:
8 Reasons Why You Still Get Headaches
9 Things You Didn't Know About Headaches
Quick Fixes to Hold Off Your Next Headache


FAT BURNING FOODS, collage of grapefruit, green tea, coffee, berries, lentils, oats, salmon, turkey
Most people are aware that some foods burn more calories than they contain.  But, which foods are they?  these foods will act as metabolism boosters.  They can also make you feel very full and help you eat less.  Eating less means eating fewer calories. Your body has an internal furnace that burns up stored fat as well as the calories you are taking in as you consume foods.  These foods help to literally melt away calories. How great is that?

Here are ten foods that nutritionists credit with helping you burn fat…
hot peppers speeds metabolism capsaicin can take Cayenne Caps
green tea antioxidant that stimulates the body to break down stored fat cells norepinephrine sweeten with raw honey
oats burns up twice as many calories during the digestion process, can suppress appetite also very high fiber add to other foods
grapefruit helps your body dissolve fat and cholesterol belly-filling pectin fiber eat ½ for breakfast
turkey or chicken digestion sends metabolism into overdrive high thermogenic effect eat often
lentils takes the body longer to digest so burns fat faster, also fills you up so you consume fewer calories high in potassium add to other foods
fatty fish reduces your risk of heart disease, reduces cholesterol, and can help relieve arthritis and joint inflammation symptoms high in omega-3 fatty acids eat often
berries help keep your blood pressure down. This reduces your risk of heart disease and heart attacks antioxidants add to other foods, eat fresh
apples safe way to elevate your blood glucose (blood sugar) levels rich in antioxidants great snack
black coffee provides a big metabolic boost caffeine use in moderation
Cayenne 180 Caps Cayenne 180 Caps
40000 H.U.. Certified 450 mg. Considered as Dietary Supplement. Guaranteed 0.25% Capsaicin. Premium Herbal.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Fresh squeezed Orange Juice--alakline


This is a list of popular drinks and their acid levels. If the beverage is acidic or highly acidic it should not be combined with meals and should be avoided as much as possible. Beverages that are slightly acidic or alkaline can be combined with meals and it is good to drink these freely. Notice that there is a big difference between filtered, purified or bottled water and tap water. Always try to add lemon to water to help with your pH levels.


beer highly acidic
coffee highly acidic
juice, fruit (canned or bottled)
juice, fruit (fresh)
juice, vegetable (fresh) alkaline
juice, vegetable (canned or bottled) acidic
liquor highly acidic
milk, almond alkaline
milk, cow's, all types highly acidic
milk, rice slightly acidic
milk, soy acidic
seltzer water, club soda acidic
soda (diet or regular) highly acidic
sports drinks (all types) acidic
tea, black acidic
tea, herbal alkaline
water (purified, filtered, or bottled alkaline
water, tap acidic
wine acidic


collard greens, mustard greens
Collard and Mustard Greens - Very Alkaline
Eating alkaline foods can help to take away or reduce the acidity of other foods that you eat. This list is slightly alkaline, alkaline and very alkaline. Eating only these foods would be too much of a good thing but combining these foods with more acid type foods should help to produce a good pH balance in your body. The foods go very acidic, acidic, slightly acidic, slightly alkaline, alkaline and very alkaline. Look at the list for acidic foods and compare them with these alkaline foods to get a better idea of how to properly balance your meals.


artichokes acorn squash asparagus
avocados almonds beet greens
bananas apples broccoli
beetroot beets Brussels sprouts
black beans blackberries collard greens
Brazil nuts butternut squash cucumbers
cabbage (all types) cantaloupe endive
Canola oil celery escarole
carrots dates fennel
cashews figs garlic
cauliflower grapes ginger root
cheese (goat's milk) green beans ginger tea
cheese (soy) herbs, dried & spices grapefruit
cherries (sweet) (except salt & curry) greens (all types)
chestnuts honeydew herbs, fresh
cider, apple kiwifruit juice, vegetable (fresh)
cinnamon Lima beans kale
coconut maple syrup leeks
coconut oil melons lemons
cod liver oil navy beans lettuce (all types)
corn (fresh) okra limes
eggplant papaya mandarin oranges
flax seeds pears mangoes
flax seed oil pepper, black mustard greens
fruit juice, fresh pickles, dill olive oil
goat's milk potato (sweet) onions
granola, unsweetened raisins parsley
great northern beans raspberries peppers
honey (raw) rice syrup radishes
horseradish soy sauce spinach
kidney beans spices, except salt & curry Swiss chard
lentils sprouts tea (ginger)
mushrooms squash, summer vegetable juices (fresh)
oats squash, winter watercress
oatmeal strawberries yellow beans
olives sweet potato
oranges syrup (maple)
peaches syrup (rice)
peas tea (green)
pineapple watermelon
pinto beans yellow squash
potato skins zucchini
rice, wild


sesame seeds

soy cheese

soybeans (edamame)


tea (herbal)




wild rice


Junk Food collage cartoon

Eating foods from this list will affect the pH balance in your body. Too much acid in your diet will cause health problems so it is important to be aware of which foods are considered acidic and how much acid they do contain. The list is divided into foods that are slightly acidic, very acidic and just considered acidic.

bread; rye, wheat, whole grain
brown rice                       
Bulgur wheat                      
cereal, whole grain   
corn oil                         
cottage cheese                    
curry powder        
fish, cold water         
flour; millet or brown rice
fruit, dried (except raisins)   
fruit juice (processed) 
granola, sweetened  
honey, processed
Kasha (buckwheat groats)
pasta, whole grain
pumpkin seeds
Rice, basmati

rice, brown

rice cakes

rice milk


rye bread

Safflower oil


sesame oil



sunflower oil

sunflower seeds

tea, black



wild game

bread, pumpernickel
brown sugar                     
cereal, commercial/kids
cheese, soft (mozzarella)
cherries, sour
coffee; regular or decaf
corn bread 
corn, processed (popcorn)
crackers (whole wheat rye)
cream cheese 
flour; barley, rye or whole wheat
fruit (canned (all types)
grits, corn 
milk, raw
oat bran
organ meats 
peanut butter
peanut oil
pickles, sweet
pine nuts
raw sugar
relish, pickle
rice, white
sour cherries
sour cream
soy milk
soybean oil
sports drinks
sugar, brown
sugar, raw
sugar, white
tortillas, corn
vitamin water
white rice
white sugar
wine (all types)

artificial sweeteners
baked goods
bread, white
cakes (all types)
candy (all types)
cheese, hard (cow's milk)
chips (all types)
cold cuts
cookies (all types)
corn chips
corn syrup
corned beef
cottonseed oil
crackers, white or saltines
cranberry sauce
deli meat
flour; white, soy, white rice
fruit juice, sweetened
high fructose corn syrup
hot dogs/frankfurters, coneys
ice cream
liquor (all types)
lunch meat
macadamia nuts
macaroni and cheese
milk, homogenized
noodles, egg
pasta, white flour
pie (all types)
potato chips
processed foods (all kinds)
pudding (all kinds)
salt, iodized table
soda (all types)
tortillas, white (flour)

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Understanding Hypothyroidism or and Underactive Thyroid

Hypothyroidism or and Underactive Thyroid

Bladderwrack Plant
Bladderwrack Plant
It is very difficult for a physician to diagnose Hypothyroidism or a thyroid that is underactive.  Normal blood tests will show there are no problems and the condition will go undiagnosed.  Unless your doctor believes you have this problem and does other testing you will go undiagnosed and continue to suffer from the effects of this malfunction in your system.  A holistic doctor can help with preventative care and will probably look at urine or saliva analysis along with the blood tests.  Cases that are mold to even moderate just will not show up otherwise. 

Where is the thyroid?
At the base of the neck below your Adams apple is the thyroid gland.  The cells of the body are affected by the thyroid hormones.  If they are not producing properly then you will suffer ill effects.

These can present in the following ways:
  • anxiety
  • arthritis
  • brittle nails
  • cold hands and feet
  • eyebrow loss (especially the outer third)
  • high cholesterol
  • heart palpitations
  • infertility
  • headaches
  • depression
  • low libido
  • low body temperature
  • PMS
  • fluid retention
  • Raynaud's phenomenon
  • Carpal Tunnel syndrome
  • anemia
  • slow healing
  • a puffy face
  • hoarse voice
  • muscle aches, tenderness and stiffness
  • muscle weakness
  • heavier than normal menstrual periods
If you do have most or at least several of these symptoms then you should consult a physician and let them know.  It is a small percentage of people who have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism probably more because it is so easily overlooked than because it is a common ailment.  usually middle-aged to older women are susceptible but it can happen to any age or sex.  Severe cases can be life threatening so treating this condition is more than just eliminating annoying symptoms. 

Well functioning thyroid hormones control the metabolic activity in every cell.  These hormones control weight , heart rate, body temperature and energy levels.  A person's mood and other hormone balances are affected.  If the thyroid hormone is in a shortage in the system then it can lead to problems with the immune system which produce antibodies.  Iodine and other nutritional deficiencies can also be the result along with an under functioning pituitary gland.

A holistic doctor may prescribe one or all of the following remedies:
  • Bladderwrack  --  100 mg or one milliliter twice a day
  • Thyroid glandular -- one tablet or capsule three times a day on an empty stomach
  • Pituitary glandular -- one tablet or capsule three times a day on an empty stomach or as recommended
  • L-tyrosine -- 500 mg two times a day on an empty stomach.  It is used in the synthesis fo the thyroid hormone
  • Natural progeserone -- this can be really good for women who are experience low thyroid hoirmones and progesterone levels
  • Guggul -- 25 mg of guggulsterones three times a day
  • Homeopathic thyroidinum 3x or 6x - three pellets three times a day
Personally, I have been taking  Bladderwrack (580 MG) once a day in combination with
L-Tyrosine (500 MG) once a day on an empty stomach.  So far there has been a positive change.  It is, of course, best to consult a physician and at least check with them before taking any kind of over-the-counter medication or herbal supplement.  These things on their own can be either helpful or at least harmless unless they interact adversely with other medication you may be taking.  So, it is best to ask first.  My GP prescribed timed release vitamin C with Rose Hips (1000 MG) and Vitamin D3 (1000 IU) once a day.  I also take Flaxseed Oil (1000MG) and  Boswellia Serrata (1200 MG) once a day.  So far this combination of natural supplements has been working well. 

Boswellia plants
Boswellia Plant
Why Boswellia Serrata?

Boswellia Serrata is from the boswellia tree and is an herbal medicine sued mainly in Indian medicine for the treatment of joint pain like arthritis and such along with respiratory diseases and diarrhea.  It is used mainly for its anti-inflammatory benefits.  So far I can't say it is doing much but time will tell.  It is always dangerous when you use any type of anti-inflammatory for any length of time because it can have adverse effects on the liver or kidneys, even as a herbal supplement.  If you try this use with caution and again, chick with your physician first.

Why Flaxseed Oil?

One of the most common benefits is believed to be for treating mood and memory disorders.  It can also be effective for lowering blood pressure so this needs to be taken into account if you are taking medication for hypertension.  Taking Flaxseed oil is equivalent to taking fish oil capsules as they are both very high source of Omega 3, 6 and 9 Fatty Acids.  These are beneficial in appetite suppressants and therefore helpful in aiding weight loss.  Some people have problems taking the fish oil so Flaxseed oil is a good alternative. 

Flaxseed flowe pale blue flower on green folage
Flaxseed Flower

So, there you have it.  I wanted to share the benefits of these supplements because they seem to be having a positive result for me.  Whatever you decide to do, please remember that just because your a taking a herbal supplement made from nature it is possible to overdose or to take a combination that will adversely affect you current medications so please check with your physician first.  Let me know how you do.  Here's to your good health.

Buying these supplements is something that I do over the Internet.  They are most likely available in your local store is you search.  It may be hard to find the right dosage.  Over the Internet is just much easier so I use Herbs Pro.  Their service is dependable and their pricing competitive.  No matter what you decide to take I highly recommend taking Flaxseed Oil Capsules.

Flaxseed Oil 200 Softgel Flaxseed Oil 200 Softgel
Certified Organic by QAI. Considered as Dietary Supplement. Richest Source of the Essential Omega-3. Translucent Softgel.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Weight Loss - How to Avoid the "Mindless Eating Trap"

 TV Snacking cartoonEating while you are doing something else is never a good idea. For instance, eating in front of the television set in the evening is an excellent way to build up calories that your body does not need nor is able to handle well. Counting calories is not necessary to lose weight but you still need to be aware that mindless eating and stuffing your face without thinking what you are eating adds countless calories before you even know what happened. This is self-sabotage and something that you would never allow your child to do because it is so bad for their health. Why do you?

There is nothing wrong with snacking. In fact, it is a healthy way to eat and you need to eat small meals with two small snacks in between to keep your metabolism level. Sugar spikes happen when you eat too much food at one time or when you go too long between meals. Snacks should be 'healthy' and need to be those foods that will add nutrition and fiber to your diet. Healthy snacks keep you feeling full and it takes very little to satisfy any hunger you may be feeling. They are usually things that require a lot of chewing and take some time to eat so this also helps with the need to be eating "something".

Bad Snack Choices
Things like chips, crackers, candy, ice cream, candy, and bread items are all very tasty but loaded with extra calories and lots of bad fats. Like they say, you might as well just apply it directly to your thighs. Healthy snacks like raw veggies with a low calorie dip or dressing or one ounce of nuts are your best choices.

 Whatever you decide to snack on while you are doing something else needs to be pre-measured. If you take the whole bag or box and sit down with it, you will overeat. You will fall into the 'mindless eating' trap.
The best way to avoid these kinds of situations is to plan your meals the day before, including your snacks. Try to eat on a schedule if possible. If you are the type of person who gets so busy you forget to eat, then scheduled meals will remind you it is time to feed your body. If you have a budget, you can avoid impulse buying and if you have an eating plan for the day you can avoid impulse eating.

Mindless Eating book cover Mindless Eating
This book will literally change the way you think about your next meal. Food psychologist Brian Wansink revolutionizes our awareness of how much, what, and why we're eating often without realizing it. His findings will astound you.  
  • Can the size of your plate really influence your appetite? 
  • Why do you eat more when you dine with friends? 
  • What hidden persuaders are used by restaurants and supermarkets to get us to overeat? 
  • How does music or the color of the room influence how much and how fast we eat? 
  • How can we mindlessly lose instead of gain up to twenty pounds in the coming year? 
Starting today, you can make more mindful, enjoyable, and healthy choices at the dinner table, in the supermarket, at the office or wherever you satisfy your appetite.

Eat, Drink, and Be Mindful book cover Eat, Drink, and Be Mindful
In Eat, Drink, and Be Mindful , eating disorder specialist and best-selling author Susan Albers, provides a workbook with seventy proven-effective and easy to use psychological and mindfulness techniques for real change, including how to get back on track during setbacks, and how to maintain motivation rather than gravitating back to mindless eating and the familiar patterns that keep you unhappy with your body.

Press Pause Before You Eat book cover Press Pause Before You Eat
For all the times you've said, "Why did I just eat that?" Say good-bye to one of the most overlooked areas of our relationship to food -- mindless eating. This groundbreaking book shines new light on why we eat along with practical, proven strategies to control our eating. 
  • Does your busy schedule translate into eating on the run or skipping meals altogether? 
  • Is your life so filled with multitasking and on-the-go consumption that eating becomes a thing to do while doing other things? 
Dr. Linda knows that all too often such eating becomes a source of guilt and distress. The more stressed we feel, the more food becomes a source of gratification and relief -- a numbing agent. Dieting treats only symptoms. "Unless people are coached to be intentional about their eating, they will continue to eat mindlessly and be part of the 90 to 95 percent of failed dieters," writes Dr. Linda.  "A new approach is needed -- one that addresses the emotional, relational, and spiritual side of our relationship to food." Food is not your enemy; it is something you can once again enjoy! Dr. Linda deals with the root causes of unintentional eating and restores your joy of eating. This is your practical guide to cultivating a healthy awareness of eating that attends to your body, soul, and spirit.

Top 5 Ulitmate Super-Foods

These are the top five superfoods as reported by Skinny Ms. Read what they have to say about these foods and you will most likely agree.
Written by Skinny Ms.

Top 5 Ultimate Super FoodsChia Seeds
With more Omega-3’s than flax seeds, these little black seeds are packed with good-for-you nutrition. They contain fiber, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, zinc and much, much more. And the nice thing about these seeds is that you don’t have to grind them up to get the benefit like you do with flax seeds. Put them in smoothies, on your cereal, or bake them in to some banana bread for extra nutrition. Either way, you can’t go wrong with chia seeds.
Fresh Kale, dark green with curly leaves
This ultimate green vegetable measures 1000 on the Andi scale, right up there with collard greens. In other words, you just can’t get much more nutritious than this incredible, edible plant. Treat it like spinach when cooking, but enjoy more nutrients than spinach, bite for bite. You’ll get enough vitamin K and A for your entire day in just one cup!

Fresh Bok Choy stalksBok Choy
Most often found in Asian foods, Bock Choy is fabulous prepared with many poultry dishes, or just as a side dish made with herbs and spices. This cancer fighter will give you loads of vitamin C, A and K all for only 9 calories per cup! How’s that for being “diet” friendly?

Bunch of bright red fresh strawberries

The fruit which ranks the highest on the Andi scale is strawberries. You just can’t beat these little red berries for the nutrition they pack. At just 49 calories per cup, you get 149% of your RDA for vitamin C and  4 grams of fiber! Just be sure to purchase organic strawberries as they are also listed as one of  The Dirty Dozen.  (highest levels of pesticide residue)

Fresh BlueberriesBlueberries
These delicious summer time treats are getting easier to find at other times of the year.  Good thing too because they are a powerhouse of nutrition! New research demonstrates that blueberries improve your memory, and one study indicates that they may reduce risk factors for obese men and women. Either way, blueberries are filled with anti-oxidants you don’t want to be without.

Read more
Superfoods Superfoods
A perfect one-stop resource for anyone who wants to eat and live well, this book is both a comprehensive guide to healing foods and a stunning collection of mouthwatering recipes. Updated with the latest nutritional information this book contains:
  • 200+ sumptuous recipes 
  • Gallery of 90 Superfoods 
  • Fully illustrated with all new photography 
  • Offers a section on superfoods that address a wide range of common ailments 
  • Superfast recipes packed with anti-oxidants and other nutrients

Parents Guide to Superfoods
Superfoods book cover Superfoods
Boost your baby's health with Annabel Karmel's delicious recipes and creative advice for feeding your child in the first five years. All parents want the best for their children, but choosing the freshest foods and preparing them in the most beneficial and appealing ways is not always easy. As a mother of three and author of more than twenty books on healthy food for children, Annabel Karmel knows better than anyone not only what children should eat but what children will eat. 

 SuperFoods is both a cookbook and a reference manual that helps parents recognize the nutritional value in even the simplest foods. In addition to a variety of tempting recipes and invaluable advice... 
SuperFoods includes: 
  • -More than 130 easy recipes suitable for children of all agesfrom the best first foods to balanced family meals. 
  • -Menu charts to help you plan ahead most recipes are suitable for freezing. 
  • -Information on how to avoid food allergies and common childhood complaints such as colic, constipation, and eczema. 
  • - Suggestions for healthy convenience foods to keep in the pantry. 
  • -Tasty recipes that harness the power of SuperFoods to promote growth and energy and boost immunity and brain power. And much, much more!

Pocket Superfoods book cover Pocket Superfoods
Pocket Superfoods is a pocket-size index of all the nutritional information, fun facts, and practical tips readers need to know about the top 50 superfoods, including nuts, berries, avocado, barley, chia seed, lean meat, and broccoli. Author Seana Smith describes in detail why superfoods are the best foods we can eat. She writes, "Some foods are simply more nutritious, better for you, more packed with the good stuff. These are the superfoods. And if we all ate more of those foods, we'd all be healthier, happier, and very probably, wealthier and wiser too." 

Supercharged with antioxidants, vitamins, and essential nutrients, these foods strengthen our bodies and nourish our brains with the vitamins and healthy fats that make us feel satisfied. With tips on buying, storing and cooking these foods in the healthiest way possible, this supercharged book contains all you need to make your life zing with health and vitality. 

This small book contains a whole lot of easy-to-read information in its compact, inexpensive format. In the convenient style of a reference guide, each page focuses on one type of food, with a description consisting of clear and logical bullet points. Each superfood is introduced with a pithy description including what each food is and where it comes from, followed by a bullet list of why the antioxidant, vitamin-rich, essential-nutrient food makes us healthy and energetic. Key notes at the bottom of each page inform readers about when and how to incorporate the food into our lives and contain tips for preparing it. The attitude of this book makes for a fun, entertaining read and an enjoyable lifestyle as well.