Monday, November 3, 2014

Food Combining Tips - Create a Healthy pH Balance

Food combining has to do with helping your body properly digest and process the things you eat. If your body is not able to process what you eat, whether healthy food choices or just junk, you will end up with many very serious health issues.
Combining starches is just asking for indigestion!

Foods that are high in sugar, processed, refined, and packaged are all acidic and send the body's pH out of balance. This will keep the body from absorbing the essential nutrients of the things you eat and leave the door open to accelerated aging, disease and fatigue.

Here are three easy steps to take to bring balance back to your body.
    Lemon added to water
  • The first is to meditate each day. There is extensive scientific study that proves daily meditation will not only relieve stress but will prompt the brain to release a chemical that will help to nullify acid levels in the body. 
  • The second is to eat foods that are mostly alkaline. To create proper balance, acid-forming foods should not comprise more than forty percent of your daily food intake and the rest should be alkaline-forming foods. Not only should your choices be mostly alkaline-forming type foods but should be eaten in the proper combination with the acid-creating foods you eat. 
  • The third drink at least five glasses but preferably eight glasses of alkaline water each day. Alkaline water can be created by adding alkalizing drops that you can get at your health food store or you can add some fresh lemon juice to the water.

Fried onion rings, hard cheese, protein with bread, milk shake
All acidic foods not so great on their own but combined...YIKES!
Try not to drink sports drinks, sweetened fruit juices, coffee, sodas or black tea. All these will create acid in your system. The lists of things that are acidic or alkaline is far too extensive to list here.

Basically you should avoid or eat sparingly the following foods that are acidic:
  • beef, beer
  • cow's milk
  • hard cheese
  • cold cuts
  • flour (white)
  • fruit juices
  • cranberry sauce
  • sweets like candy, cakes, milk chocolate, donuts and much more are all very acidic
  • any type of processed, packaged and junk foods are going to be high acid and hard for your body to assimilate
Food combining rules...
To learn how to effectively combine foods takes a course to explain but in general, processed foods, refined flours, packaged foods, fruits and meats are hard for your body to process. Combining them with other acidic things that are also hard to digest makes your pH balance to go out of control and will in time cause a lot of damage to your body. So, try not to eat these hard to digest items together and eat them either alone or with non-starchy vegetables.

FOR EXAMPLE:  Instead of a hamburger for dinner or lunch eat the meat patty with green vegetables or a salad or eat the bread and fixings with tomato or cucumber or avocado instead of meat. You can have meat and you can have bread but not together. If you eat fruit, eat it alone and give your body at least three hours to digest it properly before you eat anything else.

You can eat high water foods with starchy foods or you can eat high water foods with proteins but if you eat starchy foods with proteins you will create high acid levels and your body will struggle to digest the foods.

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