Saturday, November 8, 2014

Tea Tree Oil - Discover the Amazing Health Benefits of This Essential Oil

paperbark aka tea tree is a huge, narly looking tree from Austrailia

Paperbark Aka Tea Tree

Did you know that the source of the tea tree oil and is indigenous to Australia?

There are many ways to use this amazing natural medicine.  As you begin searching for tea tree oil products you will find there seems to be a specific product for each use.  It is even good for your pets.

 Here are just a couple examples of Tea Tree Oil products.  Click on image to see details.  Really, the variety of choices for products made with tea tree oil is amazing.
tea tree branch has long pointy leaves with little clusters of white flowers
Is Tea Tree Oil considered a food or medicine?
Melaleuca is a name that is also commonly used for tea tree oil. This is an essential oil that acts as a natural medicine possessing antibacterial disinfectant agents that have been used for thousands of years by the aborigine tribes. Recent studies have shown that Tea Tree Oil has amazing health benefits when used as a natural curative. With the scent that is much like nutmeg, it is light yellow oil that is the product of steamed tea tree leaves. The oil is extracted from the steamed leaves and then used in multiple kinds of natural treatments.

BLOSSOM of the TEA TREE, a pink flower 
What is to be gained from using Tea Tree Oil?
The oil of the Tea Tree is used as a natural curative for fighting virus, bacteria and fungus. An even more valuable aspect is its ability to fight several kinds of infections that normal antibiotics cannot touch. Fungal and bacterial skin diseases like oily skin, blisters, acne, sun burns, abscess, warts, herpes, athlete's foot, dandruff, minor skin irritations and wounds like insect bites and rashes can all be treated using Tea Tree Oil.
Besides skin problems, Tea Tree Oil is an excellent treatment for many respiratory type of ailments. Problems that arise from the common cold like a runny nose, coughs, sore throats and even more serious respiratory ailments like tuberculosis, bronchitis and asthma can be helped by using this oil. Diseases like shingles, flu, verrucae (foot warts), cold sores and chicken pox all benefit from the anti-viral agents of the oil.

If this isn't impressive enough, the immune system of the body that has been compromised by illness, stress or medications can be strengthened by using this amazing oil. For fungal infections of the throat or the mouth the oil can be used as a mouth wash.

tea tree oil branches with red podsWhat are the ways the oil of the Tea Tree can be used?
The oil can be very effect when used externally. It can be combined with bath water by adding about ten drops of the oil into the bath and then soaking. Doing this a couple times a week it will act as a disinfectant for the skin and a muscle relaxer for aching and sore muscles. Other common uses are for the treatment of blemishes and boils, Acne, genital warts, inflamed gums, plaque and bad breath. Using about three drops of the oil in a cup of warm water as a mouthwash a couple times a day will help to reduce irritation caused from dental surgery. Do not swallow the oil.

For fighting against congestion and sore throats the Tea Tree Oil can be used as a treatment to be inhaled. Boil some water in a large cooking pot and add about three drops of the oil. The steam has healing qualities so it can be used by tenting the head with a towel and inhaling the steam for up to ten minutes. Don't use this for more than five days without consulting your physician. Shampoos that contain a small amount of Tea Tree Oil have been proved to be very effective in curing cases of dandruff and head lice.

Ingesting Tea Tree Oil can be effective treatment for Yeast Infections. Taking the oil internally can be dangerous if too much is ingested. A product like a yeast cleanse that contains Tea Tree Oil will have the proper amount for safe consumption. If you are pregnant or nursing it is best to stay away from using this oil. The oil can be diluted with another kind of oil like olive oil to make it safe but using it undiluted may cause skin irritations and itchiness. Overuse the oil in its pure form can cause dangerous health issues like fatigue, confusion, vomiting, diarrhea and even worse. Using the oil internally should be at the advice of your physician.

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